Starting and Stopping MapD Core Services

MapD Core consists of two system services: mapd_server and mapd_web_server. These services can be started individually using systemd or run via the interactive script startmapd. For permanent installations, MapD recommends that you use systemd to manage the MapD Core services.

Starting and Stopping MapD Core Using systemd

For permanent installations of MapD Core, MapD recommends that you use systemd to manage the MapD Core services. systemd automatically handles tasks such as log management, starting the services on restart, and restarting the services in case they die. See Initial Setup.

Initial Setup

The provided script asks a few questions about your environment, and then installs the systemd service files in the correct location. You must run the script as the root user to allow the script to perform tasks such as creating directories and changing their owner.

cd $MAPD_PATH/systemd
sudo ./

This script asks for the following listed in the table that follows.

  • MAPD_PATH: path to the MapD Core installation directory
  • MAPD_STORAGE: path to the storage directory for MapD Core data and configuration files
  • MAPD_USER: user to run MapD Core as. User must exist prior to running the script.
  • MAPD_GROUP: group to run MapD Core as. Group must exist prior to running the script.
  • MAPD_LIBJVM_DIR: path to the libjvm library directory, as determined in Common Dependencies.
Variable Use. Default Notes
MAPD_PATH Path to the MapD Core installation directory. Current install dir Consider creating a generic symlink pointing at the install dir and set MAPD_PATH to the symlink to make upgrades easier.
MAPD_STORAGE. Path to the storage directory for MapD Core data and configuration files /var/lib/mapd Must be dedicated to MapD. The installation script creates the directory $MAPD_STORAGE/data, generates an appropriate configuration file, and saves the file as $MAPD_STORAGE/mapd.conf.
MAPD_USER User MapD Core is run as Current user User must exist before you run the script.
MAPD_GROUP Group MapD Core is run as Current user’s primary group Group must exit before you run the script.
MAPD_LIBJVM_DIR Path to the libjvm library directory. The script attempts to find the default path See Common Dependencies.

For backend rendering-enabled builds, the script installs a service named mapd_xorg. This service is configured to start Xorg on display :1, which the mapd_server service is configured to use. Before proceeding, start the the mapd_xorg service before mapd_server if you want to use backend rendering:

sudo systemctl start mapd_xorg
sudo systemctl enable mapd_xorg # start mapd_xorg on startup

Starting MapD Core Using systemd

To manually start MapD Core using systemd, run:

sudo systemctl start mapd_server
sudo systemctl start mapd_web_server

Stopping MapD Core Using systemd

To manually stop MapD Core using systemd, run:

sudo systemctl stop mapd_server
sudo systemctl stop mapd_web_server

Enabling MapD Core on Startup

To enable the MapD Core services to start on restart, run:

sudo systemctl enable mapd_server
sudo systemctl enable mapd_web_server

Starting and Stopping MapD Core Using startmapd

While MapD recommends that you start MapD Core using systemd, you can use the startmapd command for quick testing and system validation. It does not require root access to run. Another reason to use startmapd is that systemd is not available on all platforms (for example, Debian 7, CentOS 6, Docker).

You can run MapD Core using the startmapd script provided in $MAPD_PATH/startmapd. This script handles creating the data directory if it does not exist, inserts a sample dataset if desired, and starts both mapd_server and mapd_web_server.

For backend rendering support, start Xorg and set the DISPLAY environment variable before running startmapd:

sudo X :1 &
export DISPLAY=:1

Starting MapD Core Using startmapd

To use startmapd to start MapD Core, run:

$MAPD_PATH/startmapd --config /path/to/mapd.conf

if you are using a configuration file, or

$MAPD_PATH/startmapd --data $MAPD_DATA

to explicitly specify the $MAPD_DATA directory.

Stopping MapD Core When Using startmapd

To stop an instance of MapD Core that was started with the startmapd script, kill the startmapd process via CTRL-C or pkill startmapd. You can also use pkill mapd to ensure all processes have been killed.