Client Interfaces

Apache Thrift

MapD Core uses Apache Thrift to generate client-side interfaces. The interface definitions are in $MAPD_PATH/mapd.thrift. See Apache Thrift documentation to learn how to generate client-side interfaces for different programming languages with Thrift. Also see $MAPD_PATH/samples for sample client code.

Python (via JayDeBeApi)

MapD Core supports Python via JayDeBeApi. in the sample code directory is a wrapper around jaydebeapi that returns a standard Python Connection object. The code assumes that the MapD JDBC driver (mapdjdbc-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar) is available in the same directory. Users may create a cursor object using the returned connection object. Please be sure to close the connection at the end of your Python script.

Before using, ensure that jaydebeapi and dependencies are installed by running:

pip install jaydebeapi
pip install pandas
pip install matplotlib

The jar is available at $MAPD_PATH/bin/mapdjdbc-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar

The host is <machine>:<port> with the standard port of 9091

The following example uses the mapd_jdbc wrapper to query MapD Core and plot the results with pyplot. The code is available in $MAPD_PATH/SampleCode as

# !/usr/bin/env python
# Note: The following example should be run in the same directory as
# and mapdjdbc-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar

import mapd_jdbc
import pandas
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

dbname = 'mapd'
user = 'mapd'
host = 'localhost:9091'
password = 'HyperInteractive'

# Connect to the db

mapd_con = mapd_jdbc.connect(dbname=dbname, user=user, host=host, password=password)

# Get a db cursor

mapd_cursor = mapd_con.cursor()

# Query the db

query = "select carrier_name, avg(depdelay) as x, avg(arrdelay) as y from flights_2008 group by carrier_name"


# Get the results

results = mapd_cursor.fetchall()

# Make the results a pandas DataFrame

df = pandas.DataFrame(results)

# Make a scatterplot of the results



MapD Core supports R via RJDBC.

Simple example on local host

drv <- JDBC("com.mapd.jdbc.MapDDriver",
conn <- dbConnect(drv, "jdbc:mapd:localhost:9091:mapd", "mapd", "HyperInteractive")
dbGetQuery(conn, "SELECT i1 FROM test1  LIMIT 11")
dbGetQuery(conn, "SELECT dep_timestamp FROM flights_2008_10k  LIMIT 11")

More complex example to remote machine

drv <- JDBC("com.mapd.jdbc.MapDDriver",
conn <- dbConnect(drv,
  paste("SELECT date_trunc(month, taxi_weather_tracts_factual.pickup_datetime)",
        "  as key0,",
        "AVG(CASE WHEN 'Hyatt' = ANY",
        "    taxi_weather_tracts_factual.dropoff_store_chains THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)",
        "  AS series_1",
        "FROM taxi_weather_tracts_factual",
        "WHERE (taxi_weather_tracts_factual.dropoff_merc_x >= -8254165.98668337",
        "  AND taxi_weather_tracts_factual.dropoff_merc_x < -8218688.304677745)",
        "AND (taxi_weather_tracts_factual.dropoff_merc_y >= 4966267.65475399",
        "  AND taxi_weather_tracts_factual.dropoff_merc_y < 4989291.122013792)",
        "AND (",
        "  taxi_weather_tracts_factual.pickup_datetime",
        "    >= TIMESTAMP(0) '2009-12-20 08:13:47'",
        "  AND taxi_weather_tracts_factual.pickup_datetime",
        "    < TIMESTAMP(0) '2015-12-31 23:59:59')",
        "GROUP BY key0 ORDER BY key0", sep=" "))