
These resources can help you get started with MapD Core Database and MapD Immerse.


This is an end-to-end recipe for installing MapD Core Database with MapD Immerse on a CentOS 7 machine running with NVIDIA Kepler or Pascal series GPU cards.

While the video provides an overview of the steps, MapD recommends that you follow the written instructions when you perform the installation. See CentOS 7 Installation Recipe.

Loading Data

You can load data using SQL commands and other utilities in MapD Core Database, or load delimited files in MapD Immerse.

Loading Data with MapD Core Utilities

For more examples of loading data to MapD Core Database, see Loading Data.

Loading Data with MapD Immerse

You can load a CSV or TSV file directly into a table in MapD Immerse.

Loading Data with Apache Kafka

You can load data files into MapD Core Database using Apache Kafka from the command line. See Inserting Data Using Kafka.

Streaming Data with Apache Kafka

You can stream data from an application directly to the MapD Core Database using Apache Kafka. See Creating a Kafka Click-through Application.

Using MapD Immerse

The MapD Immerse user interface is largely familiar and intuitive, but some capabilities might not be immediately apparent. These topics walk through some of the features of MapD Immerse in context.

Building a Dashboard

Connect a data table and add charts to create a dashboard to quickly scan your MapD Core Database information in a variety of contexts.

Filtering Your Data

The MapD Core Database and MapD Immerse not only process billions of records, filters provide a way to focus on the exact records that meet your business needs at a particular time.

Custom Measures and Dimensions

You can use custom measures and dimensions to communicate richer relationships between the elements in your dataset at a glance.

Zoom and Selection

Point map and scatter plot charts provide zoom and selection tools that let you focus on the data of most interest to you and your collaborators.


Zoom in for a closer look at clusters or outliers, or zoom to a specific geographic location by name.

Pointmap Selection

Use the Circle, Polygon, and Lasso selectors to trace geographic regions of interest in your point map.

Scatter Plot Selection

Use the Circle, Polygon, and Lasso selectors to choose interesting datapoints in your scatter plots charts.