Upgrading MapD

How you upgrade MapD depends on how you installed MapD.

Upgrading MapD Using Docker

To upgrade MapD in place in Docker, stop the current Docker container and run the MapD Docker install command.

  1. In a terminal window, get the Docker container ID:

    docker container ls

    You see output similar to the following. The first entry is the container ID. In this example, it is 9e01e520c30c:

    CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 9e01e520c30c mapd/mapd-ce-cpu “/bin/sh -c ‘/mapd...” 3 days ago Up 3 days>9090-9092/tcp confident_neumann

    To see all containers, both running and stopped, use the following command:

    docker container ls -a
  2. Stop the MapD Docker container. For example:

    docker container stop 9e01e520c30c

    Optionally, remove the MapD Docker container. This removes unused Docker containers on your system and saves disk space. For example:

    docker container rm 9e01e520c30c
  3. Download the latest version of Docker.

    For Community Edition Without GPUs:

    docker pull mapd/mapd-ce-cpu

    For Community Edition With GPUs:

    docker pull mapd/mapd-ce-cuda
  4. Run the Docker Install command.

    For Community Edition Without GPUs:

    docker run -d -v $HOME/mapd-docker-storage:/mapd-storage -p 9090-9092:9090-9092 mapd/mapd-ce-cpu

    For Community Edition With GPUs:

    nvidia-docker run -d -v $HOME/mapd-docker-storage:/mapd-storage -p 9090-9092:9090-9092 -v /usr/share/glvnd/egl_vendor.d:/usr/share/glvnd/egl_vendor.d mapd/mapd-ce-cuda

When the installation is complete, MapD server and MapD web server start automatically.

You can optionally add --rm to the Docker run command so that the container is removed when it is stopped.

Upgrading MapD Using Yum

To upgrade an existing system installed with Yum to the latest version, you re-run the install command. MapD is upgraded in place without disturbing your configuration or stored data.

To Upgrade MapD Using Yum:

  1. Stop the MapD servers.

    sudo systemctl stop mapd_web_server
    sudo systemctl stop mapd_server
  2. Run the Yum install command.

    sudo yum install mapd
  3. When installation is complete, restart the MapD servers.

    sudo systemctl start mapd_server
    sudo systemctl start mapd_web_server

Upgrading MapD Using Apt

To upgrade an existing system installed with Apt to the latest version, you re-run the install command. MapD is upgraded in place without disturbing your configuration or stored data.

To Upgrade MapD Using Apt:

  1. Stop the MapD servers.

    sudo systemctl stop mapd_web_server
    sudo systemctl stop mapd_server
  2. Run the Apt update command.

    sudo apt update
  3. Run the Apt install command.

    sudo apt install mapd
  4. When installation is complete, restart the MapD servers.

    sudo systemctl start mapd_server
    sudo systemctl start mapd_web_server

Upgrading MapD Using a Tarball

To upgrade MapD using a tarball, stop the servers, expand the tar file to replace the MapD application, change the symbolic link, and then restart the servers.

MapD recommends that you create an installs directory where you keep each version of MapD as you upgrade. Create a symbolic link to the current version, and update the definition with each upgrade. This way, if you need to revert to an earlier release, you only have to change the link.

  1. In a terminal window, go to your $MAPD_PATH directory.

  2. Stop the MapD web server and MapD server.

    sudo systemctl stop mapd_web_server
    sudo systemctl stop mapd_server
  3. Go to the installs directory. (If this is your first upgrade, create the installs directory and move the current MapD directory into the installs directory.)

  4. Download the MapD TAR file to the installs directory.

  5. Expand the archive of the new version of MapD.

    tar -xvf <file-name>.tar.gz

    Replacing <file-name> with the name of the archive file.

  6. In your home folder, define (or redefine) the symbolic link mapd to point to the new version. For example, if the new version directory were named mapd-ee-3.1.0-20170615-b95a40e-Linux-x86_64-render you would use this command to create the symbolic link.

    ln -s /installs/mapd-ee-3.1.0-20170615-b95a40e-Linux-x86_64-render mapd
  7. If necessary, update your $MAPD_PATH environment variable to point to the mapd symbolic link. If you set the variable in a location such as .bashrc, update it there, as well.

    export MAPD_PATH=~/mapd
  8. Go to your $MAPD_PATH directory and start the servers.

    cd $MAPD_PATH
    sudo systemctl start mapd_server
    sudo systemctl start mapd_web_server